After bringing home a strange homeless girl named Scarlet,
Kelley Russo discovers a fascinating hidden world of cryptids and legends.
But she is far from welcome.

About the Author
C.R. Fahey (LotMinx) is an independent artist and recovering Paranormal YA Romance addict living in New York with her roommate and small orange demon-child, Chai.
When she’s not staying up all night scribbling and falling off the Pepsiholics’ Anonymous wagon, they can be found loitering around Manhattan, weeping over the characters and arcs of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and Avatar the Last Airbender series, or blaring Florence and the Machine while pacing circles around the apartment because getting lost in her imagination is easier than getting her work done.
C.R. grew up in Eastern North Carolina and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Studio Art and Creative Writing from UNC Chapel Hill. After relocating a few times to Las Vegas and back and finally to New York, they now pursues self-driven study in philosophy, visual storytelling, and functioning like a proper adult.
Other work from C.R. includes another webcomic, Saints’Quarter, which has been running since October 1st of 2016, and a decade-spanning collection of disconnected fantasy art and writing.